You Had to be There

It’s hard to tell you how
it really was. It was a time
that seems so distant. Life
was different. Things change.
Choices rearrange what was
once the same. People go
away just as quick as they
show up. Some volcanos
never erupt. The worst days
lead to the best of luck.
Depending on who you ask,
things do get better despite
the depressing weather.
You had to be there. It was
a glorious time when all
was well. Now, we are here
to live a life worth living.
We are here now to fight on
until the end of our song.

No need

No need to be caught up

when you can catch up.

No need to feel angry

when you are happy.

No need to stress out

when nothing is happening.

No need to reveal a frown

when the world’s upside down.

No need to drop heavy tears

when you think of past years.

No need to stare at the clock

when time is taking a walk.

No need to blast the past

when the future comes fast.

No need to be hard on yourself

when you can ask for help.

No need to quit the fight

when the finish is in sight.

Worth Fighting For

It’s time to face it. Nothing
can replace grit. Prepare
and get mentally fit. Train
through the pain. Maintain
a winning attitude. Practice
gratitude. Curb the attitude.
Build the strength to fight
what cannot be seen, even
in light. Stay ready and walk
steady. Act like you know
where you’re going. Tonight
is the night you fight. Face
your fears. Punish the past
and fracture the future for
keeping you scared all those
years. Wipe your tears and
break the rear-view mirror.
Now is the time to be strong.
Later is the time to be wrong.

Crystal Ball

I looked in the crystal ball.
I saw my birth, rise, fall,
and death. I saw my life
with its darkness and light.
I saw roots. I saw my family
tree growing tall and strong.
I saw me as a child, exploring
unknowns, with an innocence
only children know and show.
I saw my future. I saw better
days. From an ariel view,
I saw the choices I made
and trees throwing shade.
I saw everyday as a game.
I was the star player showing
no fear: grinning ear to ear.
In the crystal ball, I saw
me at the top of a mountain.
I saw that I found a fountain
of youth. It’s the damn truth.
I saw it all in my crystal ball.
I know what I saw, and I saw
what I know. I saw my life
unfold. I saw me grow old.
In the crystal ball, I saw me
write deep into the night.

The Haunting

Haunted by voices, the only child sees
shadows pass by. When he closes
his eyes, he can still see the demons
haunting him. Noise fills the still air.
Haunted by those who won’t leave,
he stays up all night. One night,
the only child hears his name being called.
Afraid and awake, he walks toward
the voice calling his name. He gets
close enough to see a ballpoint pen
lodged between a blank journal.
The only child picks up the pen, filling
up the blank pages. He writes, “I’m not
real” over and over. The voices stop,
and the shadows disappear. The only
child closes the journal, then the curtains
are thrown open. The shining light
illuminates his transparent face.
The light shines right through.
Surrounded by life, the only child sees
his future then jumps into the past. It felt
so real for him. He almost forgot, he was
a lurking shadow, once alive and well.
The only child visits the blank journal
now and again to encounter memories
once made, remembered, and forgot.