
Some stories are short –

some end right where

they begin. There are

plot twists that appear

out of nowhere. Characters

get written off.

Each story is a book.

Each word read is forever

imprinted inside of our head.

The characters we meet

changed the course of our story.

From start to finish, as time

goes forth, life blazes a trail

and takes shape. Sometimes,

manuscripts rip once

they’re flipped. Regardless,

we travel

into the darkness

to find the sun.

We won’t stop until

the story is done.

We tell other people’s stories.

They show us a life

seen through different eyes. They

change us – to no surprise.

Our stories will live on

long after we are gone.

Our stories are meant to be told

by the old to the young.

The young will grow up

and tell stories of their own.

We grip the pen tight and keep

our story alive. We keep writing

until the ink runs dry.

turn the page

Re-reading the same line can be

exhausting. When the same word

appears time and time again,

we need a new spot to begin.

Some stay stuck on the same page

for decades. Some can’t get over

the past. It is known that life

goes all too fast. We start from

the beginning. We write our story

each day. We say what we need

to say. Characters come and go

and the plot thickens. There are

twist and turns we don’t expect.

There are events that we dissect

until there is nothing left. We

develop and grow after we face

conflicts. Some people can’t

be fixed. Some stories don’t have

happy endings. Some chapters

in our life take away our light

and affect our sight. It’s time to

turn the page and get rid of

the rage. Forgive and forget.

The best is yet to come. Remember

where you came from but know

that your story has just begun.