Killing Time

We are all just killing time.

Death to clocks. Another homicide.

Long and short hands. Falling sand

inside an hourglass. Surely, it won’t

last. Time isn’t on our side. We can’t

get it back. We are on the attack:

killing time. We are sometimes weak

as the minutes, days, and weeks fly

by. Sometimes, there’s no time to cry.

Some of us stay on standby when

dreams die. At times, our questions

become answers. Wallflowers become

dancers. We sit and wait until life

shows us another date. Time is

an illusion causing confusion.

Time is like magic. Some don’t believe

in it. Some know it exists. Some wish

it wasn’t real. Truth is, we all feel

some type of way, and we know

time is fleeting. We kill time

whether we know it or not.

It’s something that can’t be bought.

Kill time before time kills you.

There’s always something to do.