You Had to be There

It’s hard to tell you how
it really was. It was a time
that seems so distant. Life
was different. Things change.
Choices rearrange what was
once the same. People go
away just as quick as they
show up. Some volcanos
never erupt. The worst days
lead to the best of luck.
Depending on who you ask,
things do get better despite
the depressing weather.
You had to be there. It was
a glorious time when all
was well. Now, we are here
to live a life worth living.
We are here now to fight on
until the end of our song.

Beautiful Soul

My heart becomes full
when I’m around you:
a beautiful soul. I see
you glow brighter than
you know. You show
others a light shining
when theirs is dying.
A beautiful soul stays
and helps me and you
experience better days.
I feel a beautiful soul
with me, showing me
a life that I can’t see.
I feel you. I really do.
I hope, one day, my
soul will grow and be
a thing you feel: free.