Moment of Truth

Don’t look now. It’s the moment of truth.

Have no fear as all comes to light.

The darkness has passed. You know

what’s right. There’s a time and place

to face reality, and that time is now.

Collect some money and pay the piper.

It may sound funny but learn to love

the transient weather because it will,

one day, get better. No time to run away.

There’s no time to hide. Jump on the ride.

It’s the moment of truth. You’ve been

waiting and so has your unfilled destiny.

Walk toward the light. Do not fight it.

Lift yourself up and enjoy this moment

of truth. Conviction and pure attrition.

Ambition and depiction. Subscribe to

the feeling of being alive. Now, don’t

look back and face the music. Life is

a special gift. Be sure not to lose it.

Hotdog in the Rain

As I sit on this bench, I can’t
help to notice my hotdog is
getting wet. Rain falls relentlessly
from the sky. Each drop dances
in solitude, enduring a new
opportunity to spread faith
and love in new life. Dark clouds
loom from above. I can’t help
to do nothing but sacrifice
the inner voice that destroys
all grace. At peace, I look up
and I don’t see catastrophe.
I see a forgiving sky wanting
to be remembered, crying to be
cherished. As I continue to sit,
I don’t stress a bit. Wet hotdog
and all, my worries remain small.
Lightning strikes the trashcan
next to me. Flabbergasted, diverse
feelings course through my body,
reaching my soul: my fulcrum.
I sit on this bench; I remain calm.
Trust me, that’s no taradiddle.
I may be stuck in the middle,
but this poignant pain helps
me see rain as draining pain.
The dark skies help me realize
that life will shine its bright light
during the darkest of nights.
I don’t forget that my dog is wet.
It could be worse; I could be dead.

You Had to be There

It’s hard to tell you how
it really was. It was a time
that seems so distant. Life
was different. Things change.
Choices rearrange what was
once the same. People go
away just as quick as they
show up. Some volcanos
never erupt. The worst days
lead to the best of luck.
Depending on who you ask,
things do get better despite
the depressing weather.
You had to be there. It was
a glorious time when all
was well. Now, we are here
to live a life worth living.
We are here now to fight on
until the end of our song.

Time to Shine

It’s time to shine. Dry those eyes.
Move into the night. Dance as
you watch the sun rise. Seize
the day. Enjoy each passing
moment. Breath: it will be okay.
Exist. Live without trying. Smile
after crying. Push yourself to be
the light that fights the dark.
Don’t be a dog that won’t bark.
Don’t be a fish. Be a shark
that tears negativity apart.
When every candle blows out,
and each light turns off, be
the light that guides others.
It’s our time to shine. Time
to write the end of this line.

The Air Between

I look up and breathe.
Both my eyes close
as I exhale. I see you
take a breath after
I take mine. The air
between us thickens.
The energy flowing
means that tension
is growing. The air
between you and I
forms an invisible
wall – one too small
to see through. The air
between us dances
back and forth.
Recycled over again,
the air between us
is more than a gust.
The air between us
knocks off the rust.
It shakes off the dust.
I look up and breathe.
I smile and take in
the air that we share.