In the End

Life, as we know it, fades
away. Those we come to
know and love becomes
memories. I once heard:
“The only thing that is
constant is change.”
Each day is not the same.
In the end, death can
cash a check life can’t.
We can’t take back time,
but others can draw
a line from our birth to
our death when the sun
decides to set. In the end,
just pretend you watched
a really cool documentary
that was shot from your
eyes. As the credits roll,
smile, laugh, cry, shout
because, in the end,
that is what life’s about.

Life is _____

Life is
what you want
it to be.
Life is
pain. Somedays,
life is
great. Life is
life. I can’t
tell you what
life means.
I just hope
to climb
life’s rope.
Life is
hard. Life is
full of surprises
with many
sunrises. Life is
us. We are
life. We are
carrying light.

We are the Same

We act different, appear different,
talk different, yet, we are the same.
We breathe and share the same air.
We are similar. We are familiar
with differences. Different things
separate different people. A wall
is broken down as people agree.
We see things a different way.
We fear what others might say.
We often forget; we are the same.
We are humans living and dying.
We came from the same place.
We will go to the same place.
The difference between me
and you is that you are you
and I am me. We are both here
conquering our deepest fear
on the same spinning sphere.

Something Else

I need something else.
I long to love myself.
Something else might
strip away the pain
that remains. I long
for something else.
All in good time. Line
by line, a dark pen
writes the brightest
rhymes. I will be fine.
For now, something
else waits for some-
one else. I see things
come and go. I want
my love to grow into
something you know –
something else, maybe?

The Shape Shifter

It can change its face.
It can take your place.
It can shift its shape.
It can live inside us all.
It can burn all the love
you have left. It can hurt
the soul. It can pull you
more than you know.
It can grow fast. It can
control your thoughts.
It can tell you to be
someone new. It can look
like me or you. It can start
there and come here. Don’t
be fooled. The evil lurking
around can shape shift.
It can take you away
from yourself. Don’t let it.
Don’t run. Face your fear
and look in the mirror.
Don’t disappear. Combat
the evil with peace, love.
Allow the light to guide you
to a feeling you once knew.