
Some stories are short –

some end right where

they begin. There are

plot twists that appear

out of nowhere. Characters

get written off.

Each story is a book.

Each word read is forever

imprinted inside of our head.

The characters we meet

changed the course of our story.

From start to finish, as time

goes forth, life blazes a trail

and takes shape. Sometimes,

manuscripts rip once

they’re flipped. Regardless,

we travel

into the darkness

to find the sun.

We won’t stop until

the story is done.

We tell other people’s stories.

They show us a life

seen through different eyes. They

change us – to no surprise.

Our stories will live on

long after we are gone.

Our stories are meant to be told

by the old to the young.

The young will grow up

and tell stories of their own.

We grip the pen tight and keep

our story alive. We keep writing

until the ink runs dry.

the other way

Go the other way. If you are not happy

turn around, and walk away. Take

action and give grace. Erase the pain

from your brain and replace it with

love. Embrace change and maintain

your sanity. Forget vanity. Remember

that you are enough. Let go of the bad

stuff. Dig up your past and put it to bed.

Look toward the future. Follow the sun.

Believe you can change. Believe you can

accept yourself. You are human. You are

a lovely soul. Rediscover your happiness.

Listen more and talk less. Find a path,

and if you have to, walk the other way.

Those bad vibes don’t have to stay.

Where I’m Going

Hardly, I know where I’m going.

Really, there’s no way of knowing.

The choices I’ve made have led me

to this very moment. The places

I’ve traveled to taught me that

there is no going back. Moving

forward while carrying a sword,

I inch closer toward a new world.

In this life, there are no guarantees,

just new people to meet and new

places to see. Where I’m going, there

must be no regrets. I’ll move on

as time resets. Tomorrow, I’ll have

a better idea of where I’m going.

I’ll show up there with a past

still glowing. With rivers flowing

and flowers growing, I’ll show up

with bruises and cuts proving that

truly living takes guts. Time to see

where life will take me. Time to

grow older trying something new.

Moment of Truth

Don’t look now. It’s the moment of truth.

Have no fear as all comes to light.

The darkness has passed. You know

what’s right. There’s a time and place

to face reality, and that time is now.

Collect some money and pay the piper.

It may sound funny but learn to love

the transient weather because it will,

one day, get better. No time to run away.

There’s no time to hide. Jump on the ride.

It’s the moment of truth. You’ve been

waiting and so has your unfilled destiny.

Walk toward the light. Do not fight it.

Lift yourself up and enjoy this moment

of truth. Conviction and pure attrition.

Ambition and depiction. Subscribe to

the feeling of being alive. Now, don’t

look back and face the music. Life is

a special gift. Be sure not to lose it.